In Crew this week, we started to celebrate the Queens life. Various facts about the Queen were outside of the classroom. Children worked in mini crews, one being the researcher (they had to nip outside, read the information and bring facts back.) They shared this will another crew member who added this to their paper. In our debrief, we shared the facts we had gathered about the Queens life and discussed the importance of doing this.
In Citizenship Crew, we were targeting certain gender stereotypes in different careers. The children were asked to draw a soldier and name them (without given the purpose of this activity). Children were then asked to watch a video clip around gender stereotypes. It opened our eyes up to see that out of 17 drawings, only one was drawn as a girl. In our debrief, we shared our own career ambitions and how gender shouldn’t guide this.
In celebration Friday crew, we chose work we were proud of and placed these on our desks for all to see. We then did a gallery walk of our beautiful work(hoping it would be framed in the Beautiful Work display, which is yet to be confirmed). Brooklyn won for most improved handwriting this week!

We have had a busy week of working hard in our Reading, Writing and Expedition lessons. We have blown Miss away with our narrative writing! Our HoWLs are also really improving and we are reflecting everyday to become even better! 🤩