Dear Parent/Carer,
I am writing to inform you of the plans we have put in place during the upcoming planned strike action taking place in schools during the forthcoming week.
We have had confirmation from the NEU Teaching union that their members intend to take formal industrial action by participating in a strike which will take place on Tuesday 28th February 2023.
What is the dispute which has led to the strike about?
The strike action is in relation to the following:
-Recruitment and Retention
-Underfunding of education by the current government
-Wage increase for teachers below the rate of inflation
What will happen at the school during the strike action?
At the present time, there is only one Teaching Union who have confirmed industrial action, the NEU. Therefore, staff who are in other Teaching Unions, such as NASUWT, are not currently taking industrial action and are therefore, should be in the workplace during this time.
Therefore, as a result, due to the fact that not all of Carcroft Staff are NEU Members, we have been able to partially open school to some year groups.
School will be open for:
EYFS- Crew McGlone, Crew Welburn
KS1- Crew Godley, Crew Marsh, Crew Robson
UKS2-Crew Boswell, Crew MI and Crew Mcloughlin
School will be closed for:
LKS2- Crew Flaherty, Crew Pashley and Crew Thompson
UKS2- Crew Shields
A packed lunch will be provided and sent home the day before with those children entitled to a free school meal.
In addition, some staff may choose to form a picket line outside of school. A picket line is where staff gather near the entrance to a workplace to protest in person, they may be holding notice boards or banners. If that is the case, please be courteous and respectful as we would at any other time. As a school and trust, we support our staff’s legal right to strike.
We would also like to remind you that it is unlawful for people who are not members of staff at the school to join the picket line, therefore, we ask parents and carers to refrain from doing so.
We appreciate that any closure may cause disruption, for which we apologise. However, we have to ensure the safety of any non-striking staff and your child when making any decisions, as safeguarding pupils and staff is our utmost priority.
Please may we ask that any communication around the upcoming industrial action is done via
Your child’s phase leader, using the email addresses below.
EYFS/KS1- [email protected]
LKS2- [email protected]
UKS2- [email protected]
Thank you for your understanding during this time.
Kind regards,
Kirsty Atherton