To celebrate Storytelling Week 2024, Crew MW enjoyed many stories, discussions about stories and even a pyjama day! During crew, we discussed what our favourite stories were and then tried to guess the story based on a description from Miss McGlone. We were able to recognise all the stories apart from one – The Magic Porridge Pot, so we decided that at snack time we would listen to that story to familiarise ourselves with it! We noticed that porridge was a familiar theme as we have been looking at Goldilocks and the Three Bears in expedition too! We’ve been working hard on the stories we hear in expedition by using props to act the story out, as well as being able to work on our retelling skills.
On pyjama day, Keenan brought in a copy of his favourite story – Finding Nemo, so we enjoyed listening to it whilst snuggled in our pyjamas. We really love stories and we listen to a different story every day, sometimes more than one!