Start and Finish Times- From Monday 12th April 2021

Dear Parents/Carers,

I hope you are all having a lovely break with the children. I am just starting to plan for our return from Monday next week.

When we return after Easter we are going to trial the following times for start and finish:

Monday to Thursday:

Start: Children to arrive in a ‘trickle fashion’ between 8.25 and 8.35. Doors will close just after 8.35. Please ensure that your child is on time. We had a number of pupils arriving late and it adds pressure to the admin team.

Finish: Doors will open from 3.00 and again, children to be collected in a ‘trickle fashion’ between 3.00 and 3.10. Children should be collected by 3.10.


Start: As above

Finish: Doors will be open at 12.45 and children to be collected between 12.45 and 1.00pm.
Childcare for working parents will continue to run until 2pm for those parents who have signed up for this.

Unfortunately, the only way for us to cover Teaching Staff planning time is by finishing slightly earlier on a Friday. In terms of cover, our staff team will be used to cover in another class if it really is needed. Due to having 15 staff out at the same time, we just don’t have enough staff to cover without moving staff about. We hope you understand the decision to continue with this for the next half term.

Please may we remind parents that in order to reduce the volume of traffic on site at any time, parents should arrive during the times outlined above and should not use the playground to wait for long periods of time. This was done really well before Easter- thank you for this.

Finally, may we remind parents that when dropping off/picking up, parents should come unaccompanied (you can bring younger siblings though). But we want to continue to avoid having large groups of adults on our site and finally, please remember to wear your face covering unless your are exempt.

See you all on Monday,

Miss Laing