
In PE today, we continued to work on our skills needed for rounders. First, we warmed up by practicing our underarm throw. We remembered that we had to step forward with our opposite leg so we are balanced. We had to make sure we were ready to catch the ball by looking at our partner with our hands out ready. Then, we did the exact same but practicing the overarm throw. Again, we had to use the opposite foot when setting forward and make sure our throwing elbow was in line with our shoulder. We then discussed what a “no-ball” is in rounders. The umpire calls no-ball when the bowler bowls the ball too high (above the head), too low (below the knee) too wide (out of the batting square) or too close (no ball body). We then had a mini game to put all the skills into practice. We had a bowler, batter, back stop, umpire and some fielders. We really enjoyed todays PE lesson and can’t wait to continue to practice these skills next week.