Attendance is Compulsory from Monday 8th March
On Monday 8th March, we open our doors to all pupils once again. We really can’t wait to have every single crew member back where they belong, in school with their crew. We cannot thank those parents who have helped to educate our children at home over the last 8 weeks enough for everything they have done. What a fabulous job you have all done! Ensure you make some time for yourselves next week when the children return- you really do deserve it.
Just a reminder that we do have staggered start and finish times in place. However, attendance from Monday is once again compulsory and we will be ensuring that we adhere to our attendance policy whereby we require parents to let us know if their child is going to be absent by leaving a voice mail by 8.25am that morning.
We had to undertake a number of home visits prior to Christmas as we had not heard from parents so then have to undertake safe and well checks in order to ensure that the children are safe.
In addition, we did have a number of children taking ‘random’ days off here and there. We do understand that if children are required to isolate/or have C-19 symptoms/test positive they will be absent from school. However, we did have a number of families whose attendance generally was not at the standard we would expect and it was not C-19 related; we will be keeping an eye on these families and will be ensuring that we work with the Education Welfare Service as and when needed, as it’s even more important than ever that pupils are in school after missing so much time in the last 12 months.
Please click here to access our start/finish times
Finally, just a reminder that we have an INSET Day for pupils on Monday 22nd March. A post was shared on the website last week. We will only be open for any parents who require childcare due to work commitments. There is a google form on the website blog page.
Thanks again for support and co-operation.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Laing