Ofsted Interim/Covid Visit

I am writing to inform you that tomorrow, Thursday 1st October, Carcroft Primary School will be visited by two Ofsted Inspectors. I have taken this from the Government website which explains the rationale behind the visit.

Ofsted aims to tell parents, government and the public about how schools are managing the return to full education of their pupils, the majority of whom have not been in school for more than 5 months due to the impact of COVID-19. The visits, initially announced in July, will include schools of different types and of all Ofsted grades across England. Visits will be based around constructive discussions with the school or college leaders; they are not inspections, so will not result in a grade.

We will notify a school of the visit on the day before and talk about the practicalities of the visit – including any specific considerations related to COVID-19. Normally, 2 inspectors will visit a school for 1 day, when they will have collaborative conversations with school leaders.

On the visit, they will talk about any barriers that the school is facing in managing the return to opening fully, how pupils are getting back into expected routines and their behaviour, and the school’s safeguarding arrangements. Inspectors will also talk to school leaders about how remote learning fits into their wider curriculum plans. After a visit, the inspector will write a short letter, which will be published on our reports website.

The full link is here if you wish to read further. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/ofsted-visits-to-schools-and-colleges-to-begin-this-month

The inspectors will not be visiting lessons, they will be meeting with myself, Miss Whitehead and Mr Tucker to discuss the areas outlined above. I feel that this will be an opportunity to showcase how amazing the Carcroft Community has been during the Pandemic and how we have worked in partnership in order to transition our pupils back successfully after 5 months of many not being in school; I am so proud. ☺️ 

The letter will be sent out to parents within 2 weeks of the visit and will be posted on the website. 😊

Miss Laing