National Storytelling Week! 📖📚

Dear Parents/Carers, 

As you may be aware, this week the children and adults within school have been celebrating National Storytelling Week here at Carcroft Primary School.

Throughout the week the children have been participating in a range of engaging activities including sharing their favourite stories, listening to stories, taking part in drama activities and much more!

Tomorrow (Friday 2nd February) will be the last day of this fabulous week and as a celebration we are asking both children and adults to come to school in their pyjamas, lounge wear or general comfy clothes! Children will be exploring ‘bedtime stories’ as well as books for our older children that are perfect for reading as they drift off to sleep! 💤 Children are welcome to come to school in their dressing gowns but please can you also ensure that they have a coat as the weather is still a little chilly ❄. Children are also welcome to bring their slippers to school but will need sensible footwear to wear outside at break and lunch times. For this school event we will not be asking for any monetary donations.

We look forward to welcoming the children into school tomorrow in their pjs and celebrating the end of a successful Storytelling Week! 📚📖

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation. 

Mrs Elmer 

English Lead