We have really enjoyed our active maths lessons today! Half of the children visited Crew MI’s grocery shop where they added money amounts and then found change. All children were fully engaged in this activity and loved visiting the shop and handling the items.
The other half of the class moved around a series of activities in the hall. One activity involved throwing tennis balls into place value boxes and then using their place value knowledge to work out the number they had made. Another activity involved jumping, hopping and leaping and children measured the distance they had travelled. They also measured each other’s heights! Another further activity involved throwing a large beach ball around in a circle. When the ball was caught, the children had to add and multiply the numbers by their thumbs. This involved quick recall of our times tables as well as mental addition. The final activity was a puddle jump all based around their 6 and 8 times tables. Children had to chant the 6 times table whilst jumping onto the correct number.
What a fantastic lesson we had today, with so many elements of maths included.
See you all tomorrow 🙂