Dear Parents/Carers,
During this academic year, we are having to look slightly differently at fundraising in order to help us to be able to ‘top up’ our school fund pot. This pot is used to purchase all of the things in which we do to enhance our curriculum such as the rewards including the attendance McDonalds and chocolate bars which children take home. We have also started to reward children for their Reading too and we like to reward children for their impeccable behaviour through the use of the HoWL-Opoly wheel. In addition, we have also been rewarding chidlren for their beautiful work with milkshake and cake each week which we all love.
However, this can become quite costly and unfortunately, the school budget does not cover these little added extras plus other bits and pieces throughout the year. We are really wanting to purchase new library books for children to be able to take home but at the minute, we do not have the funds for this.
This year, we have spent much more out of our school budget on staffing in order to provide smaller class sizes for the children’s return after Covid-19 but this does have a knock on effect in what we have left to spend on the enhancement of our curriculum. Therefore, we were hoping to be able to work with parents to continue to fundraise to support the school with little bits each half term.
In Autumn 1, we did the Halloween Dress up as we could not do the disco as a fundraiser. We asked for a voluntary contribution of £1 and will 309 pupils on roll, I hoped we would be close to the £300 mark…
Sadly, we only received £30 which means that only 30 people brought in their contribution despite nearly everyone coming in non-uniform. I am wondering if anyone simply forgot to bring this in (we know life is manic right now), if this is the case, please could you send this in with your child this week and we can add this to the pot. We understand that some parents/carers may have been made redundant etc and things may be a little challenging at present but we had hoped that most could look to find a spare £1 to support us, as collectively, this can make a big difference.
I have shared with Mrs Lythe that due to us not being able to do our Easter and Summer Fayre, we are needing to think of other fundraising ideas which are Covid safe. We would welcome any ideas from parents at home. Please feel free to add any ideas onto this post.
I want to be able to continue to provide our children with the little added extras plus purchasing some lovely new library books for children to take home.
Look forward to working in partnership.
Miss Laing