In PE, we started our new unit fitness. Our aim was to understand how balance helps us in everyday life. To warm up, we played snakes and tunnels. When I shouted “snakes” we wiggled the ropes low to the ground. The children had to jump over the ropes. When I shouted “tunnels” we lifted the ropes up high. Children had to duck underneath the ropes. We then moved onto skills development and looked at balance in everyday life. In groups of 3, we had to complete an activity for 2 minutes and then swap over. The activities were skipping, lifting a hoop above our heads and then back to the floor, and stand on 1 foot whilst balancing a beanbag on our heads. We then looked at better balancing, and completed a range of activities. The first activity was standing in a line and standing on one foot. We passed the beanbag down the line and then hopped to join the end. We then had to reach the other side by lifting the hoop over their teammates head and placing it infront of them. They then had to jump back into the hoop. As part of the plenary, we discussed how we use balance in everyday life.