Crew Mcloughlin really delved into ‘what is crew?’ last week. The children came up with their own definition and discussed their expectations of what they would want their crew to be like in order to adopt good habits and be the best versions of themselves. We spoke about Year 6 expectations and we just know this year is going to be a good one!
Throughout the week we have also been answering our Crew guiding question ‘How can Crew be strengthened through acts of service?’ We unpacked this question and discussed acts of service further – giving but not expecting to receive. As a Crew we decided to create postcards and bake in order to spread happiness around Carcroft. I was quite impressed with our beautiful work but even more so to see some children used their initiative and further carry this on throughout the week – giving cake and compliments to staff members and pupils. How lovely!
We participated in Challenge Crew on Tuesday where Mrs Rhodes (the queen of Challenge Crew) wrote a shopping list – It was the team leaders job to read the list and try to remember the five items, then go back to their teammates and verbally pass this down the line. The winning team was the first person at the back of the line to recite the shopping list exactly. We had lots of fun! When debriefing we realised we had used team working, listening and communication skills and critiqued how we performed at these specific skills.
As a morning task we also thoroughly enjoyed reading First News – we found lots of articles that linked to expedition and reading newspapers reminded us of our grandads.
This year we have the great opportunity of Y11 pen pals and got to meet them on hangout! We introduced ourselves and asked them lots of questions. We cannot wait to write to them further into the year, watch this space!
Overall, a very productive and successful week focusing on establishing Crew!