End of Year Letter

Dear Parents, Carers, 

We break up for the Academic Year on Friday 16th after a very eventful school year.  Well done and good luck to all our Year 6 children who depart us today for their different secondary schools. Their Final Word presentations were remarkable and will leave a lasting memory for all staff involved. 

It has been such a difficult year for us all but we should reflect on how well the community of Carcroft have coped with the pandemic, home learning and live teaching. Our structures such as Crew and Expedition have enabled our children to feel safe, support each other and produce great work. 

Key Stage 1 have worked really hard this year and have made fantastic progress with both their academic progress and their Habits of Work and Learning. They have truly embodied what it means to be ‘crew’ and produce beautiful work across all their expeditions. The culmination of this beautiful work this term is their fantastic information boards which will be taking pride of place in Flamingo Land over the summer. Watch out for the video showing the journey from initial idea to creation being featured on Flamingo Land’s social media pages over the next few weeks!  Keep up the fantastic work Key Stage 1 – you have made us all incredibly proud this year and we cannot wait to see you continue to flourish as you progress through Carcroft School. 

LKS2 have worked exceptionally hard to produce an informative Digestive System poster, as part of the ‘Why is the body a miraculous machine?’ expedition. This beautiful work will shortly be displayed in the local Health centres and pharmacies. During the early part of the year, LKS2 also developed a website about Carcroft and a kindness gift for China Cottage as part of the ‘What is the most valuable gift you can give?’ expedition.

While developing HoWLS, LKS2 have also worked hard to show kindness and improve the school environment by litter picking and helping Mr Hull to develop the school garden. We really have been blown away by the progress and character growth each and every child has made in such a different kind of year.

What a year it’s been for UKS2, with so many highlights. Our expeditionary journey began by creating leaflets celebrating our beautiful home village of Carcroft. The community were so happy to receive their copies of our final products and even stored them in their businesses and shops! During our Making a Stand expedition, we grew stronger as a crew, learning about important topics such as equality. And how amazing to say that in a few weeks our art mural will be shared in Frenchgate to encourage others to make a stand with us! We have achieved so much this year without Covid-19 stopping us. 

In Y6 this year, the children completed their Final Word presentations to reflect on their character growth, beautiful work and academic success. This was nerve racking for most pupils as they presented their google slides online to parents, crew leaders, other staff and friends. This took hours and hours of hard work and preparation and they absolutely smashed it! They challenged themselves to step out of their comfort zones and aim for quality speaking and presenting skills – this made so many family members and staff beam with pride at the confidence and positivity the children demonstrated. Mrs Fox, amongst parents and staff, was brought to tears at the amazing reflections the children made on their Carcroft journey. 

We would like to wish all the Y6’s the best of luck on their education moving forward. We are extremely proud of their achievements despite missing a big chunk of their learning. You will go on to achieve great things, just remember, work hard, get smart and always be kind!

We are looking forward to welcoming you all back next term. We start the term on 31st August, with a new uniform, new logo, new crews and an exciting curriculum. We hope to be part of the XP Trust by then and this will help the school continue to improve; improve teaching and learning, the school environment and engagement with the school community. 

We will be opening the school on Wednesday 25th August between 10am and 1pm for you to collect the Free Uniform that we have organised for all parents who have completed this google form. 

Mrs Lythe would like to remind you that our Wrap around provision will be starting from 31st August 2022. It will consist of a variety of activities including Cooking/Baking, Arts and Crafts, Sports, Music, Movies, Reading plus more. 

Fees must be paid in full by Friday 27th August for Autumn Term 1 (week commencing 30th august – 15th October). The number of sessions selected will be reflected in the overall cost. 

Provisions on offer are as follows:

Morning Club: 7.30 – 8.40: £2.50 per session.  After School Club: 3.00 – 4.15 (Monday – Thursday), 1.50 – 3.00 (Friday): £2.50 per session. Wrap Around Care: 4.15 – 6.00 (Monday – Thursday), 3.00 – 5.00 (Friday): £3.50

If you require the Wrap around care you will also need to sign your child up for the After School Club. If you have any questions about our wrap around provision please call the school office. To Sign up please log onto parent pay.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank the staff for all their efforts this year, for the children for working hard, being kind and getting smart and for all parents for supporting the school.

We hope you all have a great holiday, see you August 31st. 

Neil Butler (Carcroft Acting Headteacher)