Yay! It’s the WEEKEND! 😁 Other exciting news… It’s Mrs Elmer’s Birthday tomorrow! 🎈
We had a tricky start to our learning in Crew Elmer this morning but that didn’t stop us all from having a Fantastic Friday! 🤩
Star moment of the day:
Today I was incredibly impressed with children’s knowledge of solids, liquids and gases, as well as how quickly they all grasped our new scientific vocabulary: ‘particles’, ‘vibrate’ and ‘collide’. Children were also able to list the properties of the three different states as well as list some examples of each. Many children also deepened their learning by writing some ‘I wonder’ questions to enable them to achieve ‘Green Standard’. Take a sneak peek below:
Today’s HoWL average is: 3.4
Today our Crew average is back up there! 🙌 I believe that this is down to so many children being engaged in their learning today. Both in Science and Maths lots of children were ‘working hard’ and as a result achieved ‘Green Standard, showing just how ‘smart’ they are. Children have also been working on being ‘kind’ to each other today. Well done Crew Elmer! More of this next week please! 👍
This week’s HoWL target is: 3.3
How can we improve this next week?
Next week, Crew Elmer need to continue to ‘work hard’, ‘get smart’ and ‘be kind’. I would especially like to see EVERYONE in Crew Elmer working hard – no fiddling with rulers, pencils etc. when someone is talking and making sure that they are focused at all times!
Today’s HoWL Hero:
Crew Elmer nominated Laila for HoWL Hero today for ‘getting smart’. Laila was nominated by several children in Crew Elmer as well and Mrs Elmer and Miss Hart. This lovely young lady always gets on quietly with her work and as a result achieved ‘Green Standard’ in both her Science and Maths work today. Well done Laila! You may be quiet but we’ve all noticed you ‘getting smart’!
Learning legend:
Where do I even begin with our ‘Learning Legend’ for last week?! When I joined Carcroft I was told lots of stories about this child. Despite this, being new to the school everyone joined my crew and was given a fresh start. From the onset this boy greeted me with smiles, used his manners to speak to me, joined in in class by putting his hand up, completed every task I asked of him to expected standard if not ‘Green Standard’, and has been kind to us all. The start that he has had in Year 4 has blown everyone in school away! Both academically and behaviour wise this boy has been fantastic! His has produced some high quality work including his art work in expedition which impressed the whole class and was nominated for display! He has also been following HoWLS well and achieving 3’s and 4’s most days. Last of all, his behaviour on our micro adventure was exceptional and his knowledge of the area kept us all interested! We are all incredibly proud of you Harley! Keep up the great behaviour and your enthusiasm to learn! 🥇🏆
The children have really settled well into Crew Elmer and I love doing Crew every morning and hearing how many of the children are in the ‘Green Zone’ because they love coming to school and being in this crew. It is heart warming to hear 💕 and makes coming to school to teach you all even more enjoyable! We have done lots of learning in Year 4 including partitioning, rounding and writing numbers in Maths, drawing particles in Science, planning our own stories in The Write Stuff, learning about our local area in Expedition and developing our language knowledge through listening to our class book, ‘The boy at the back of the class’. A great week Crew Elmer! I wonder what next week will bring?!
Crew Attendance:
Our latest attendance was 90%. This means that we are working towards the minimum expected standard (97%) this week!