Hi all,
Star moment of the day:
During English today, the children had an experience day which involved making a broccoli pizza. This linked to the Inside Out clip we have been using for writing. They did amazing when it came to trying the pizza especially the broccoli. The children used this experience to start gathering a bank of vocabulary to support them in writing tomorrow.
Today’s HoWL average is: 2.4
How can we improve this tomorrow?
Tomorrow Crew Shields need to ensure that they are being kind to the other children in their crew and following instructions.
Today’s HoWL Hero:
Our Be Kind hero today is: Chloe!!
Chloe is polite and respectful of her peers and she always tries to include her peers. She asks their opinion and listens to what they have to say. She holds the door open for children and always uses her manners. Well done Chloe.