Daily Blog: 23.09.2020

The weather hasn’t stopped Crew Godley from having fun today! ☔️ Jumping in muddle puddles made lots of us smile! As the weather is turning can all parents please ensure children have sensible coats and footwear please, we do go out in all weathers, rain or shine!

The children have been busy exploring number around the classroom today, we enjoyed using the Numberblock and numicon resources to extend our thinking and challenge ourselves. The children were able to make teen numbers by thinking how many ‘tens’ and ‘ones’ they would need.There are some excellent resources on https://www.learningblocks.tv/numberblocks/activities which you can try at home.

The children have all continued to be kind to each other and look after our environment,Shelby, Lydia and Evelynn always make sure everything is in the right place, looking super duper tidy for their peers. You are fantastic role models in Crew Godley.



Working hard – Evelynn

Evelynn spent so much time and care on her self portrait and carefully selected materials to improve her work. She thought carefully about the resources she would need to create her desired outcome. Evelynn was so proud that her work would be going up on our display. We can’t wait to share it with you when its completed. Well done Evelynn!

I can’t wait to see some more self portraits tomorrow.