Daily blog 22.09.20

We have had another busy day in nursery! The children are settling in so well, they have made me so proud! 🥰

The children were so excited to do playdough disco for the first time today! This is a great activity to strengthen our muscles in our fingers, which will help us to be great writers! The children did fantastic splatting and rolling the playdough to the music and they listened to instructions so well! 🌟

Some groups of children went out for Forest school where they made bird feeders and explored the woods 🌳🌿🍃 The children worked excellent together and were so proud of their creations!


We have all been trying really hard to understand what it means to ‘be kind’ and how we treat others. The children are all showing me great examples of this, I’m always spoilt for choice who to pick! 🥰

Being Kind – Sophia

Sophia often does lovely kind gestures without being asked and really demonstrates she understands what it means to be kind. For example, she has held doors open for the kitchen staff bringing our lunch and helped her friends put their belongings away. Well done Sophia!