Happy Monday! ☀
Today the sun has been shining in and outside of the classroom! It has been a glorious day!☀
Star moment of the day:
Today I was super impressed with how hard children worked in our ‘expedition’ lesson. The children had the task of deciding what they thought ‘community’ meant. To support children they were given some statements which they had to read and then decide whether they thought that was ‘a community’ or ‘not a community’. The children worked really well as ‘mini crews’ and were so inclusive with the responses that they gave. Making me feel really proud to be part of the ‘Carcroft Community’.
Once we established what we thought a community was the children then created their own ‘Community Circles’ to show the different communities that they belonged to. Below are a few snaps but please ‘be kind’ as these are working progress…
Another ‘star moment’ of the day was being able to share some birthday highlights with the children during Crew time. The children enjoyed looking at my pictures and I felt that it has really helped us to build a strong crew.
Today’s HoWL average is: 3.1
This is a great class average Crew Elmer (especially as we are missing two of our crew members today!) so well done! 👏
This week’s HoWL target is: 2.9
How can we improve this tomorrow?
Tomorrow Crew Elmer need to make sure that we are continuing to be kind to each other and that we are consistently ‘working hard’ in all parts of the lesson.
Today’s HoWL Hero:
Crew Elmer nominated Harry for ‘working hard’ all day. Harry is always focused on his learning and tries his best. He has shown a positive attitude to all of his learning today especially in Maths where he enjoyed partitioning numbers and in expedition where he created a fantastic ‘community circle’. Well done Harry! 👏