We have had a very busy day in Foundation! We have been so impressed with the children’s attitudes towards their learning, it’s hard to believe some of the children are new to school! 💕
We have had some fabulous name writing practice, the children have tried hard to use the correct pencil grip and recognising their name. This is such an important skill in foundation! ✏️
The children enjoyed taking on the role of construction workers building towers with the bricks, experimenting with balancing bricks and seeing how high we could make it! 🚧🏗⚠️This was also great team work and listening to our crew members suggestions!
Our HOWL Hero’s!
Being Kind – Shania
Shania did some excellent tidying outside and is always so helpful! She is a fantastic role model, well done!
Working hard
Henry – Henry remembered the forest school rules and did so well following them. He did excellent listening and knew that he needed to follow instructions to keep safe!
Shelby – Shelby did some excellent work in maths today! She was able to identify ten’s and one’s when counting beyond 10!