Daily Blog: 14.09.2020

What a great start to the week! We have been super impressed by how well the children are working towards their HOWLS (Habits of Work and Learning). We have focused on ‘Be Kind’, this applies not only to our crew members but our environment too. The children have been making sure they have respected our crew members and our belongings.

Our HOWL Heroes

Be Kind – Evelyn and Freddie are such a great role models in EYFS, they are always setting a great example and have impeccable manners.

Get Smart – Reggie persisted when he was making a mask and through of a very inventive way to attach his lollypop stick to keep it upright. Reggie then worked collaboratively with his peers to help them do the same.

Work Hard – SJ, SJ articulated so clearly how he could ‘work hard’ he explained that in order to work hard he had to concentrate on one thing at a time and keep focused. Such an amazing response! We were super proud.

The highlight of our day was creating our own jumping blocks, this prompted lots of discussions around shape, space and measure and counting. The sun also provided us with a great opportunity to explore our shadows.