Daily Blog: 10.09.2020

Welcome to our new class daily blog!

This is such an exciting time for our children starting school and we look forward to sharing our daily learning experiences with you 😊

We have really enjoyed welcoming all of our children back to school, it has been a fabulous start to the year and the children in Foundation Stage have settled in extremely well 💕 Our focus over the next couple of weeks will be on settling the children into school, helping them to make friends and get used to the all the new routines. During this time, you can support your child at home by talking positively about their experiences at school. If your child is upset or anxious at any time, please talk to the staff in your child’s class. At Carcroft Primary we really value partnerships with parents and we hope to work closely with you throughout the year🏫  We are always happy to talk so if you ever have any questions or concerns please come and see us. With very best wishes, The EYFS Team 🙂