Crew Wilson Weekly Review: 30.4.2021

We’ve had a fantastic week in Crew Wilson this week!

We launched our new expedition with an exciting hook day! You can see the video of our learning journey on our ‘This Week in the Phase: KS1″ page.

We’ve been writing postcards to tell people all about our adventures and our writing is getting better every day! We’ve discussed each of the different continents we visited and shared our ideas to create a brilliant bank of adjectives to use. Shoutout to Tommy F and Perrie for getting smart and independently adding their own ideas to their writing, striving for that green standard!

In maths we have been exploring number bonds and making sure that we can recite them super quickly – it’s been a challenge but we have risen to it! We’ve also been getting smart with using our resources, and have practiced lots of number sentences on our whiteboards to get our writing speed up! Shoutout to Dalton and Aleks for really using their brains to think about how the numbers interact with each other – mathematicians in the making!

We’ve given out lots of Howls throughout the week for children who are demonstrating their ability to work hard, get smart and be kind.

Debbie-Mae was our learning legend for the week for her fantastic effort across all of our lessons since returning from lockdown, Debbie-Mae is trying so hard and it’s amazing to see her resilience, keep it up!

Whilst daily blogs have gotten away from me (it’s been a very busy week!) I will share daily Howl Heroes again from Monday, so watch this space to see if your child is really demonstrating those habits of work and learning that we want to see in school. We want to celebrate our successes so keep an eye out for the blogs!

Overall we have had a better week in terms of listening and attention, and today is the first time in a while that we have seen lots of fabulous fours in our Howl Scores, let’s keep it up for next week!

Howl Average: 3.6

We’ve definitely had the Friday Feeling today, so enjoy the long weekend Crew Wilson and see you all bright and early on Tuesday morning 🙂