We’ve had such a fantastic week in Crew Wilson, but how is it the end of another week and nearly the end of the month already?!
Highlight of the week:
We have been developing our understanding of working together as a crew, being kind and looking out for each other this week, and I feel that we have made good progress! We celebrated our success with a Cojo challenge this afternoon that was all about team work and listening skills, each child had a specific role in the game and they worked together brilliantly under a time limit! Hopefully now they’ve had a good practice we will be able to beat Crew Welburn’s time the next time we do it!
Howl Heroes
🟥Work Hard: Mia and Dalton for their hard work, concentration and brilliant effort in phonics today, well done!
🟦Get Smart: A double-whammy for Dalton today as he was also nominated for Get Smart by the crew for his great listening skills, superstar!
🟩Be Kind: Another crew nomination went to Daisy for her kindness and empathy towards her friends when they are sad or feeling lonely, well done!
Howl Average:
Our score has been a bit up and down this week but I am proud to say we’ve finished Friday with our highest score of the week – 3.7!
Well done Crew Wilson, another fab week of learning completed, enjoy your weekend everyone 👨🏻🏫