Crew Wilson Weekly Review: 26.3.2021

What a bizarre and quiet week we have had in Crew Wilson! Whilst Crew Welburn have been isolating, we have been in school working very hard! We have completed maths assessments, independent writing and have even got a head start on our final product in expedition!

We have also enjoyed having extra space in the playground, have collaborated brilliantly on different activities and have made the most of the sunshine that we have had this week!

Howl Heroes:

The whole crew are our Howl Heroes today – they have worked so hard since returning for this term, and even with the challenges we have faced they have been so resilient and focussed on their learning.

The progress we have made across all of our subjects has been phenomenal, and when I look back at our first pieces of work from September I am blown away and so proud of how far we have come as a Crew!

Howl Average:

We have ended the week on a 3.4! This week we have had less reminders than usual for working hard, getting smart and being kind, so we are really growing together as a Crew and it is wonderful to see.

Crew Wilson have definitely earned their break from school over half term, so please keep safe, be kind to each other and get plenty of rest (I plan on sleeping for a week!)

See you all in two weeks!