Crew Wilson Weekly Review: 16.4.2021

We have had a brilliant first week back in Crew Wilson!

Highlight of the Week:

It was hard to pick what just one favourite part of the week, but we spoke as a crew and decided that we have really enjoyed our expedition lessons where we have continued building our castle, and we also loved the Wizard of Oz day! We have worked so collaboratively this week, and have listened carefully to instructions to ensure we were completing tasks to the best of our ability, well done Crew Wilson, you definitely deserve a rest this weekend!

Howl Heroes:

Work Hard: This goes to Tia today for coming back with a big smile on her face and getting stuck in to all of our learning, welcome back Tia!

Get Smart: This goes to Perrie today for going above and beyond in expedition and really thinking carefully about what she needed to do to paint bricks effectively, well done Perrie!

Be Kind: This goes to Stevie today for looking after her crew and being a good friend to children who may have been feeling sad, keep it up Stevie!

Howl Average:

3.4 – we have ended our week with a very respectable score of 3.4, hopefully we will be able to get it even higher next week – fab fours across the board is the target!