Crew Wilson Daily Blog: 9.3.21

We have had a tremendous Tuesday in Crew Wilson, it is so nice to have our full crew back in school!

Highlight of the day:

In our Write Stuff lesson we have been exploring letters further, looking at envelopes, stamps and greetings. We are going to start writing our own letter tomorrow to Zog and the Flying Doctors, to see if they can help us fix Supertato!

Howl Heroes:

Work Hard: This goes to April for her consistently positive attitude and fantastic effort towards her learning, April never needs a reminder of what to do!

Get Smart: This goes to Eva for showing brilliant listening skills throughout all of our lessons today, keep it up!

Be Kind: This goes to Perrie for being an invaluable member of our Crew, she is so kind and helpful, we are so glad you are back with us Perrie!

Howl Average:

3.6 – A great improvement from yesterdays score, still some work to do for some children to make sure they are listening first time but I am confident we can achieve this by the end of the week!