We’ve had a tremendous Tuesday in Crew Wilson!
Highlight of the day:
Our expedition lesson, where we have created swords as part of our learning about castles. We worked fantastically as collaborators with this project and we are so proud of how our work has turned out! Tomorrow we will be moving on to shields, and once they are completed we will be effectively protected ready for our fierce crew battle after half term!

Howl Heroes:
Work Hard: Daisy for staying on track with her learning this afternoon even with distractions, and following the instructions to ensure her sword was beautiful!
Get Smart: Stevie for having great listening ears today and correcting her writing independently, well done!
Be Kind: Mia for looking after the classroom and always asking for jobs so she can help teachers out!
Howl Average:
3.0 – a slight dip due to listening skills and paying attention, some children have had to lower their ‘Get Smart’ scores for today but are aware of their personal improvement target for tomorrow! Let’s get to 4.0 by the end of the week Crew Wilson!