Crew Wilson Daily Blog: 28/09/2020

Monday ✅

We’ve survived the first day back! It has been a very busy day with lots of different types of learning going on in all areas of the classroom, check out the highlights below.

Highlights from today:

Maths: We have recapped counting ‘one less’ through some physical movement, and for our independent activity the Crew played ‘one less Bingo’. They have worked really well together, helping each other with the rules of the game and finding one less for some tricky numbers. We also love shouting BINGO!

Computing: This is the fourth week that we have used the Bee-Bots and laptops in computing and they Crew have remembered our previous lessons and applied their knowledge fantastically. We have worked well as Crew to move the Bee-Bot across a large treasure map, and we have had some fabulous collaboration on the laptops when technology failed us, well done Crew Wilson!

Howl Heroes:

Working Hard: This Howl goes to Stevie for working so hard in every lesson today. Stevie has consistently shown me she is ready today by looking forward, giving eye contact and not talking to others. Because Stevie has been concentrating fully, she has created some beautiful work, well done Stevie!

Getting Smart: This Howl goes to Tommy T as he has applied himself to all lessons and thought about what standard he is aiming for, he has tried his best all day and has been a great listener, keep it up Tommy!

Being Kind: This Howl goes to Dalton as he is another Crew Wilson Superstar! Dalton is always so sensible in both independent and group work. I know I can rely on Dalton to always be actively listening and engaging in his learning, but he also goes above and beyond to help others – Dalton is always thinking about how other people are feeling, and is the first to lend a hand if someone is stuck. Fantastic work Dalton, it makes me so proud!

Howl Average: 3.4

We have had a focus on ‘Be Kind’ today, and had some honest reflections regarding how we treat our classroom, our teachers and our school. Tomorrow we are going to work better to get those fabulous fours!

A good start to the week Crew Wilson, the only way is up!