Crew Wilson Daily Blog : 18/09/2020

Wow! Another week over, and Crew Wilson have achieved so much!

Highlights of the Week:

In English we have been writing a recount of our journey to Coffee Corner. Throughout the week the children have worked fantastically as collaborators, helping each other with sounding out tricky words, letter formation and extending vocabulary through discussion. Every child has ‘Worked Hard’ at writing words for the sentence stackers

In Science we have been looking at how the different parts of our body work, this week focussing on eyes. Again, Crew Wilson supported each other throughout the lesson, helping each other sound out the different elements of the eye (who knew eye was such a tricky word to sound out?!?). We discussed what is different about our eyes, such as colour and shape – they also enjoyed trying my glasses on and experiencing life with bad eyesight – highlight of the lesson from Toby – ‘Wow Mr Wilson I didn’t know you were THAT blind!”

In Computing, we have been learning about coding – the children are now confident inputting instructions to a BeeBot to make it move to where they want on the map (they also know how to make it spin in circles and dance!) The Crew have responded really well to this and have experimented manoeuvring objects physically, on a laptop and on the Interactive White Board


In Maths we have been exploring numbers 1-10, and have practiced counting forwards and backwards, as well as ordering and grouping and writing both numerals and number words. Some wonderfully collaborative work displayed again, the Crew really want everyone to achieve their best and are great cheerleaders for children who feel that they can’t do it, they have such wonderful empathy skills and it’s such a pleasure to watch them discuss problems and explain the answers to their friends!

Howl Heroes

We have ended the week with a 3.4 Howl average, Crew Wilson have blown me away time and time again this week with their fantastic ideas, improving listening skills and empathy for one another – we really are building a Crew here!

Bobby-J is our Howl Hero for the week as he consistently has a positive attitude towards his learning, is always reminding others of the right way to do things and has had a fantastic week across all subjects, keep up the good work!

Mr W signing off after a busy week, have a lovely weekend everyone 🙂