Crew Welburn’s Weekly Review


What a week we have had in our classroom! We’ve had so much brilliant learning taking place. The children have really blown us away.

Highlights from the week:


In science, we have been learning all about the human body. Today, we recapped the internal and external parts of the body that we could name, and reminded ourselves of the senses we had looked at so far. I was so amazed that the children could remember some names for the different parts of the eye! 👀
Today, we had lots of fun learning about how sound travels to our ears. We looked at how different people hear different things, and talked about ways that we can help our hearing. We even learnt a little bit of sign language!

PE: Our PE lessons have been fantastic this week. We are loving having obstacle courses to do and we are getting much better at following instructions to complete the activities in PE.


Writing: I am blown away by the handwriting in some of our writing lessons from this week. I have seen the children try really hard to develop their pencil grip, and they are really taking them time to make sure that they are forming their letters correctly. Keep this up Crew Welburn.

Our HOWL Heroes:

Work Hard: Kyden is our work hard HOWL hero today. Mrs Thorpe nominated Jyden as he has been very helpful to her at lunch times and has tried hard all day to follow instructions.

Get Smart: Elijah is out get smart HOWL hero today as he has shown that he is always looking, listening and follow instructions so that he knows what he is doing in his learning. Well done Elijah!

Be Kind: Scarlett is out be kind HOWL hero today because she has been so polite to all of the children and adults in Crew Welburn and around school today. What a fantastic role model to the other children Scarlett!

This week’s Learning Legend:

This week’s Learning Legend is Lylah. Lylah has completely changed her attitude towards her learning over the past few weeks. She is making sure that in every lesson, she is working hard through listening to the adults, sharing her ideas and following every instruction given to her. This means that she is also getting super smart as she is challenging herself with her learning! She has become a great role model in Crew Welburn and I can always rely on her to make good choices in lessons, provision, and in crew time. Keep up this great work Lylah!

Today’s HoWL average is: 2.9 ✅

This weeks HoWL average is: 3.1 ✅

Weekly HoWL target: 3

Have a lovely weekend, see you on Monday!