👀 A week in our phase blog: https://carcroftschool.co.uk/category/twitpks1/ 👀
I want to give a big shout out to the 6 children in Crew Welburn who earnt their chocolate bars by reading 4 times this week! 👏👏👏 I am really proud of you all for trying so hard to practice your sounding out and blending at home and I can’t wait to see how many more of you earn a chocolate bar next week 📚 🍫
Our HOWL Heroes:
Work Hard: Darcie 🙌
Get Smart: Evie 🙌
Be Kind: Heartley 🙌
This week’s Learning Legend:
This week’s learning legend is Charlie. Charlie has been amazing since returning to school in September. He goes above and beyond in every lesson to work hard and makes sure that he is always listening and ready for the next instruction. Recently, Charlie has been trying extra hard to make sure he shares his ideas by putting his hand up. Well done Charlie!
Today’s HoWL average is: 3.5 ✅
This weeks HoWL average is: 3.2 ✅
Weekly HoWL target: 3
Weekly attendance: 97.2%
Keep up the hard work Crew Welburn!