Maths week ➕➖✖➗
We’ve had lots of fun carrying out different maths challenges this week in Crew Welburn. We’ve made our maths learning really fun by using practical activities to learn our number bonds. We played parachute games, pretended to be Farmer Pete’s sheet, and played bingo! We’ve had so much fun and topped it our with our number dress up day.

Highlight of the week:
Our highlight of the week has to be our HOWLs. We have worked so hard this week so that we could get smart and we have all made sure that we have been kind. This has meant that we have met minimum expectation every day as a crew which is amazing! I am so proud of Crew Welburn’s attitude towards their learning this week, keep it up!
HOWL Heroes:
Work hard: Charlie is my work hard HOWL Hero today as he has been working really hard to get smart in his arithmetic. Charlie has been using his number line to help him work out his addition and subtraction questions which is fantastic!
My learning legend for this week is Charlie Strutt. Charlie has worked so hard this week to set himself targets during crew to make sure he is achieving at least minimum expectation with his work hard HOWL. Charlie consistently reflects on his target throughout the day to remind himself of what he needs to do, and does it without being asked. This makes you a fantastic role model in Crew Welburn Charlie, keep up the hard work.
HOWL Score: 3.1 Well done Crew Welburn!
This week’s HOWL average: 3.3 Well done Crew Welburn, this is a much better score!