Crew Welburn 30.9.2020

Wednesday ✔

What a lovey day we have had in Crew Welburn today. I have seen such a change in the way the children have come together as a crew. They have really worked hard at working with a partner to check that they are listening, following instructions and putting their hands up.

Highlights from today:


Today we finished our recount from our walk to Coffee Corner. The children were looking through the feelings lens and came up with some really good vocabulary. They even listened to Grandma Fantastic’s new word – relieved – and tried to use this in their work!

Our HOWL Heroes:

Miss Wroe chose our HOWL Heroes today as she has worked with the children. She chose:

Work Hard: Scarlett had to be my work hard HOWL hero today after trying so hard in her writing to sound out words using her Fred fingers!

Get Smart: Charlie did a fantastic job today when speaking to Mrs Fox about our learning. He showed just how much he has learnt over the past few weeks in our expedition and he made me feel ever so proud 😊

Be Kind:  Jamie has tried really hard today to be kind to the adults by putting his hand up to contribute his ideas. This is much kinder than shouting over the adults and other children Jamie, thank you.

HOWL average: 3.1. Keep it up Crew Welburn 🙌🙌