Crew Thiede – 15.9.20

Highlight of the day

We have had a busy day in Crew Thiede today! The children have been discussing the human and physical features that we saw on our walk to Coffee Corner. I was so impressed with their writing about the different shops that we saw on the our walk. I look forward to seeing the brilliant sentences the children come up with the rest of this week!


Our CREW average for the day was 3.1

Our HOWL heroes were:


Work Hard

Darcie – For writing lots of words in her chotting in English and being so focussed.


Get Smart

Cohan –  For producing a sentence that he is proud of.


Be Kind

Milena – For being so kind to a friend when they were upset.


I can’t wait to see who our HOWL heroes are going to be tomorrow! 🙂