Crew Shields – 9/10/20

Crew Shields have had a really good week. They have really settled into what each of our expectations should look like in the learning day. I have been blown away by some of the writing produced by the children this week! I have been beyond proud of them and I’m excited to see what they come up with in future writing pieces.

Today’s HoWL average is: 3.1

Our Weekly HoWL target is: 3.0

How can we develop this tomorrow?

Next week, Crew Shields need to continue working on their pace while completing learning tasks.

Today’s HoWL Hero:

Our Be Kind hero today is: Maddie

Maddie is always polite and respectful to her peers. She holds doors for her peers and is always willing to include them.

Learning Legend:

Alicia has been a delight to teach since September. She is working hard in all areas of your learning and always has a positive attitude. Alicia has been building her independence during learning activities and is taking on board the feedback. I have started to notice her confidence growing and I look forward to seeing her continue to blossom throughout Year 3. Well done.

Handwriting Hero:

Our handwriting hero for this week is Chloe.


This meets the attendance target of 97%.