Crew Shields – 6/11/21

It was so lovely welcoming the children back to our new classroom. We have spent the week settling into our new classroom and ack into our routines and structures. I know I miss the routines during the holidays.

We started our next case study for our expedition and have enjoyed the opportunity of completing some science experiments. The children have learned the process of evaporation and condensation before exploring soluble and insoluble materials.

In writing, we have started our non chronological report which will be used for our final product. Despite the children finding this type of writing a bit tricky, they didn’t let this stop them. Their resilience was great and they worked hard.

We ended the week with our first Scotty’s Heroes session. The children had the opportunity to build A frame or lean to shelters. It was great seeing them work collaboratively and solve problems with their shelter.
Overall, a great first week back.
Hope everyone has had a safe Bonfire night.