Today in Maths, the children have really had to make their brains work by starting to exchange hundreds for tens. This has been quite tricky at times but they have preserved over the last few weeks and it is starting to click into place. I know with more practice we will be experts at exchanging when subtracting.
Today’s HoWL average is: 2.9
Our Weekly HoWL target is: 3.0
How can we develop this tomorrow?
To improve further, Crew Shields need to be more resilient when they are faced with a challenge. E.g. computing.
Today’s HoWL Hero:
Our Be Kind hero today is Georgie!
Georgie is one of the most helpful children in Crew Shields. She is constantly supporting her peers and nothing is ever too much trouble. This afternoon she has supported every child in computing by being an expert in using Scratch.