Crew Shields – 24/11/20

In expedition today, we have been learning about Sikhs and the Langar. The Langar is the sharing of food with others. The Sikhs believe that everyone should be equal and therefore treated the same. They prepare a vegetarian meal to ensure everyone can eat it and this is ate while sat on the floor. They do this to show the love of God and to be closer to him.

Today’s HoWL average is: 3.0

Our Weekly HoWL target is: 3.0

How can we develop this tomorrow?

To improve further, Crew Shields need to ensure that we are listening carefully so we know what we are doing.

Our Be kKind hero today is Maddie!

Maddie was nominated by her peers because they had recognised for working hard and being kind to others. Maddie always supports her peers and today she helped another child out when they had forgotten how to carry and exchange. Well done Maddie.