Crew Shields – 12/11/21

It has been a busy week within Crew Shields as we have continued with out Non fiction writing. As part of the plot point, the children had to write about children during the Industrial Revolution. To give children the opportunity to experience hard work and develop some empathy for these children, we were lucky enough this week to work alongside Mr Hull. He put the children to work using a pickaxe to break down some rubble, scrubbing the outside classroom and washing the tables. While using the pickaxe, the children soon got tired after a minute.

In expedition, we have been exploring whether materials or dissolvable and how to separate materials. The children were astonished how easy it was to separate a range of materials. Evaporation,


This morning the children have built their shelters and learned how to start fires. The children had to work collaboratively to ensure they were successful in the task. It was lovely seeing them using their speaking and listening skills.