Crew Shields – 10/11/20

Today we have enjoyed working on our coding skills in Computing. We have become more confident with our skills and we even have some experts immerging in the classroom. The children were able to follow a set of instructions to make their character move.  It is lovely to see the children demonstrate their speaking and listening skills aswell as working as a crew to complete the task.

Today’s HoWL average is: 2.9

Our Weekly HoWL target is: 3.0

How can we develop this tomorrow?

To improve further, Crew Shields need to work on their independence and ensuring they are taking pride in their presentation.

Our Get Smart hero today is Alicia!

Alicia has been a little superstar today. She has been working hard in all subjects and this is starting to show. In Maths, she got all of her questions correct because she took her time and had listened carefully to the input. Well done!