Crew Shields – 1/10/20

As it is National Poetry Day, the children have been learning how to recite a poem. We choose The Crayon Box That Talked as we felt this was a good starting point and would interest the children. We will continue to develop this over the next week or 2. Hopefully, we will be able to share a video/audio clip when we have learned it all.

Today’s HoWL average is: 3.1

Our Weekly HoWL target is: 3.0

How can we develop this tomorrow?

Tomorrow, Crew Shields need to ensure they are listening to instructions and following them the first time.

Today’s HoWL Hero:

Our Work Hard hero today is Alicia!

Alicia is an absolute delight to teach and is always polite and respectful to the adults and peers. She tries her best and follows all instruction the first time. I can see a huge improvement in her confidence and I hope this continues to grow as we move through Year 3! Well done!