Crew Nicholson Daily Blog 7.10.20

What a wonderful Wednesday we have had! We have worked so hard today, the children really get stuck into their work and have tried their best 🌟

Highlights from today:

In phonics we used our listening ears 👂🏼 to match instrument sounds. This might sound easy but we are at the beginning of our phonics learning journey and being able to match and identify sounds is a crucial aspect! The children were excellent at this and did so great that they got to play the instruments at the end! At home you can play listening games to develop their listening and attention and there are some useful phase 1 resources on the following websites:


During crew time we have been talking about why we are special and today we discussed different feelings and how we can tell if someone is happy or sad. The children looked at themselves in a mirror and showed us their best smiles and sad faces. They then did some ICT and used the iPads to take photos of each other 📸


Working hard – Messiah

Messiah worked so hard during crew time. He was able to talk about different feelings and did some excellent demonstrations 🌟