Crew MW have had a fantastic transition day! We started with a crew challenge of keep the balloon up in mini crews. The children were fantastic at this!

After that, we explored our new classroom. We found lots of new things to play with and to share with our friends and teachers!

Next, we had story time. We looked at a story called ‘all kinds of people’ and how we are all different but we all belong. We used our mirrors to paint self portraits thinking about the shapes of our faces, colour of our eyes and our hair. Our teachers are saving these to put up on our proud piece walls over summer so that we can show our grown ups on our first day!

Our final activity was exploring our forest school area! We put our wellies on and collected our scavenger hunt checklists with our partner to go and search for different items in the forest area. We had lots of fun collecting the different items and working with our pairs!

We can’t wait to welcome everyone back at the end of August!