Crew MI 1.10.21

It has been a really busy week in Crew MI this week as we have been writing our next plot point in our Harry Potter writing. We have had to work really hard to to get smart with our grammar- trying our best to include subordinating conjunctions to extend our sentences. We are so excited to read their writing as their vocabulary and ideas get better each week. Watch out next week for some pics!!

In reading, we are still enjoying our book and are getting better at finding the answers in the text. We have even tried this week to annotate the story as we read so we are making sure that we are reading for meaning and can pick out key bits in the story.

In maths, we have been getting better at our place value of umbers up to millions and even solved puzzles with Roman numerals. In our magic maths sessions, we have been practising subtraction- we are getting so much better at this!

In our PE lessons this week, we have been practising our football skills; having more control over the ball when dribbling and even practising our shooting.

Next week we need continue to work on being kind to one another and making sure we’re listening to the instructions.

Have a lovely weekend 🙂