Crew Mcloughlin blog 25/09/20

First of all I would just like to start with our average HoWL score today… we went above our target and achieved 3.3! We have now got to keep this is up Crew Mcloughlin so our weekly average is as high!

Mr Tucker and Miss Whitehead came around with our new HoWLopoly wheel, as we had achieved our expected standard last week. We gave it a good spin and it landed on… throwing a cream pie in Miss Laing’s face 😲 I hope your ready Miss Laing!


Today in science we looked at children’s developmental milestones in typical age brackets. We had a great discussion around how we all learnt to walk and talk at different ages and what we thought children should do by a certain age. Here are some lovely examples of work from Logan M and Lila which they are both proud of.

Learning LegendGracie- for having a positive attitude towards all of her learning, you have shown incredible resilience in your writing which has made you into a ‘Write Stuff’ superstar where you have gone on to produce a lovely piece of writing. Keep believing in yourself! You can do it!

Have a fabulous weekend!

Miss Mcloughlin.