Crew Marsh: 6/1/20

I have loved having the children back in crew today after our Christmas break, we all spoke about our Christmas presents which now feels like a lifetime ago! 💕🎅

My star moment today was starting our new learning around the Romans. We learnt about the story of Romulus and Remus. The children created some great story boards to show the story! 😊

Average is: 3.1

Our Weekly HoWL target is: 3.0!

How can we develop this tomorrow?

Crew Marsh need to be more mindful in putting their hand up tomorrow rather than getting out of their seat.

Today’s HoWL Hero:

Our Be kind hero today is Harlie!🙌

Harlie, you have stood out all day! You have come in and got on with all of your learning, always listening and making sure you are striving for green standard. Well done Harlie, it is well deserved! 😁