Crew Marsh: 16/04/21

Star moment

Star moment today was the children feeling more confident with their fractions learning, today they have learnt to add two fractions together – this is something we have practiced since September so it was great to see it applied to reasoning and problem solving question.

Average is: 3.2!

Our Weekly HoWL target is: 3.0

How can we develop this tomorrow?

Crew Marsh’s target for next work again is to make sure that they are listening to every instruction and following it. We are really trying to make sure that everyone in Crew Marsh can follow an instruction to a T. This has got so much better as the week has gone on, next week we need to make sure this is perfect!

Howl Hero:

Our Work Hard Hero today is Preston!

Preston really impressed me with his attitude towards his math learning today, he came in from break and started his questions straight away, he made sure his work was neat and that he answered plenty of questions. Well done Preston! 😁😁