Crew Marsh: 13/4/21

Star moment

Star moment today was seeing how confident the crew was in arithmetic, it was great to see all of them answering the range of questions at ease and not need much adult support. This is a massive change from the start of the year… you should all feel so proud of yourselves!! 👏👏

Average is: 3.0!

Our Weekly HoWL target is: 3.0

How can we develop this tomorrow?

Crew Marsh’s target for tomorrow again is to make sure that they are listening to every instruction and following it. We are really trying to make sure that everyone in Crew Marsh can follow an instruction to a T.

Howl Hero:

Our Get Smart Hero today is Jake!

Jake has amazed me in writing today, he has really blown me away! He has worked so hard and come up with some amazing, imaginative ideas. Well done Jake, I am so impressed. Keep it up! 😊