Crew Longley – 22.09.2020

Terrific Tuesday!

Star moment of the day:

We continued developing our computer science skills this afternoon💻 . We used our developing understanding of coding to complete scratch challenges. Working in pairs, the crew had to show resilience, perseverance and continue to work hard. They did this while helping each other and without any adult help. They truly were fantastic!

This week’s HoWL target is: 2.6

How can we improve this tomorrow?

Tomorrow Crew Longley need to continue working hard and developing the use of 3B’s before me. (Brain, Book and Buddy).

Today’s HoWL Hero:

Crew Longley’s Howl Hero for today is Kaitlynn. She has worked hard to become more independent and to keep trying, even when things are becoming tricky. Kaitlynn really is also working hard to become more confident in her work. Well Done!