Monday ✔
What a great start to our week! We have begun our Halloween celebrations by exploring the text, ‘Room on the Broom’. I’m sure if you ask the children they will be able to retell the story with great expression!
You can see the story here 🧙♂️
We also began to create our final expedition piece, a banner to celebrate what wonderful things we do at Carcroft. In the words of Shelby, ‘we want everyone to come to Carcroft School. It’s the best place to be’. We used our knowledge of shapes to begin to create the front of the school.

Our HoWL heroes today were:
Working Hard – Noah and Declan.
Noah and Declan worked ever so hard in RWI today, they confidently blended Fred’s words together to say the real word. Declan also asked to practise his handwriting after our RWI sesion had finished – he was certainly ‘getting smart’.

Being Kind – Dylan. Dylan was being kind today by looking after his crew base. Whenever he had finished in a learning area he made sure it was just as he found it, without being asked to do so! Great work Dylan 😊